Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's your choice.

Posted by myPuan at 3:46 AM 2 comments
Current life give me a lot of time to think about a lot of things.
My past, present, and future......
I did wrong in past, i am thankful because i learnt from that.
I did right in past, i am grateful because it changed my life.

Many friends asked me, why i can be so optimistic?
This is because "I always listen and follow my heart"
This is the secret of life.
If you want get your happiness, remember
Think LESS, Feel MORE.
I am not asking you be an idiot without thinking.
What i mean is "use your heart to think" , after use your brain. lol

Never ever make somethings you might regret in future.
And once you make a decision, never feel regret.

Choose what you love, love what you chose.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

MY name

Posted by myPuan at 2:27 PM 0 comments
In Malay, the word “Puan” is a calling to married women while in English meaning “Madam” (Chinese: 夫人). If you know Malay language, sure you will think why I call myself “Puan”. Apparently, this is not because I get married. This is my Family name or surname ok><

Don’t ask me why everybody calls me “Puan”, maybe this is easier to call than my name? Sometime I like to short my name as “myPuan” in meaning of my Madam? Whatever, you still can call me “Puan”, “mypuan”, or my Chinese name?  Lol. I don’t mind what you call me instead of don’t change my Family name. Family name is very important to me. Especially for Chinese, Family name must be goes on to next generation so that a family is last longer in the world. Traditionally, this is the responsible for men and only a man of a family can give their child with family surname.

For “Puan” revolution, I would like to ask my future husband let me name our kids with my Family name. (giggling) So at least have to birth two babies to show my sincerely, one follow your Family name and one for me =P 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's life

Posted by myPuan at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Life is not easy.
Whatever you do, whenever you want, wherever you live, it is still goes on.

I am not an actor, I am not a star.
I am only an ordinary girl.

But I am who I am,
I living with my own way.

You can comment me whatever you want,
I can comment you as well.

Life is not easy.
But, I am alive.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Posted by myPuan at 6:09 AM 0 comments

Got chance to explore to a new town. Allora is a town in south western Queensland, Australia. Here mostly living by farmer and some local business owners. We departure from Boonah passed through few mountains and arrived here. Lol. The town is located on the New England Highway between Warwick and Toowomba.

It is another peaceful town. The name of town meaning to swampy place or waterhole.We had a lunch there. As it kept raining, the weather damn cold, I also felt lazy to take photo. F**king regret now...

 We stopped about half an hour because of the road project, wth.
Super big road project
1st impression, a pretty church.
Location of Allora
Town map

Had a break.
 Let's go to the town.
 Public toilet, iron bowl~~~wth
 My lunch, burger set^.^
 Others all ordered fish and chips.
 Dairy there
Camwhore with ice cream when back home =)

Further information about this town can visit

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