Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I also want FOREVER 21~(part 2)

Posted by myPuan at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Yes. After I finished the goat milk soap. The next destination is milking cow. Moooo~mooo =)
Here is the area of Tamrookum Queensland. From Kooralbyn to Tamrookum only took approximately 10 minutes. But the dairy farm is not beside the road, after passed through the uneven, rugged road. Finally...
I saw YOU!!!
This is what we thought about dairy cow when we were kids- ONLY black and white. (Effects of advertisement of Nestle milk powder? lol)

First gang, say HI~
Silage (Wth something obstructed my sigt???)

This farm has a very very very BIG milk vat. But the milk collector is coming everyday.
Guess how many dairy cows they have?

This is the cup of milking. Hehe, purposely took the no. 38.
(Chinese will knows what it means)

Rotary milking system

Look at the number, it can let 50 cows standing upside at the same time.

Now, they are coming......


SPEED is very important because it is rotating when you want to put the cup on teats.

Lalala, i was trying my best because the cow kept shaking her body.


Then, I moved to another side to find the farm's boss.

What is he doing? 
Yeah, spraying disinfectant to prevent the bacteria attacks cows' teats after milking.
So now, my turn to do this =.=

Pong !
SUDDENLY a cow fall down.
Actually she was stucked in that space since the system is keep moving and rotating.
and she can't get up!!!

She is huge~
4 people were push, pull, push and pull to help her get up.
Luckily she quite cooperated with them. haha

Tang Tang, feed the calves.

They are separated because want to teach them how to drink milk ONE by ONE.

After they grew up and can drink milk themselves just put them together. Like this.

Drinking milk~

Bobby is a kind and funny women.

It's true!

While we were feeding the calves, those cows were slowly slowly walked out from the yard and been chasing to another area.

Then, they get feed again. Lol

*Not much photo can be upload for this blog
Because I was very, superb dirty, and don't want to 'spoil' my camera that time ><

Do you know? I purposely put the small size photos so that you can load my blog as soon as possible.
 If you want to see the picture clearly, 
just  CLICK it !!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

I also want FOREVER 21~(part 1)

Posted by myPuan at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Today want blog about my MOST unforgettable day in Australia- my 21st birthday. 
But, one blog really can't fully make the stories. lol. Because missy puan really had a fun, long, memorable, unforgettable birthday in my life. (emphasized again hehe). So this post only talked about 1st destination ok!

That morning, as usual, did milking cow early in the morning.(skip this bored part) Then, we went out gai gai la~1st destination: Kooralbyn, QLD, Australia. Actually we passed the enter of Kooralbyn everytime when going to Beaudesert however it was the first time entered this beutiful valley. This is a place away from the cities hustle and bustle. It is also well-known as the home more kangaroos than people (they told me). 

Now, figure story time! It is about a Hidden Valley..............
Hide-Away Miniature Goat Stud & Hidden Valley Anglo Nubians

 The entry

Sticker on car.

Owner's house and workshop

Get some information 1st.

 Because we were late, milking time already done. 
So we only can fed the goats lol

Carrot, hay, fruit seeds and etc

 Look at his eyes~tired???hhaa

 They are hungry

 There are 3 calves accompany goats there
(most important is they are come from Endeavour park- my internship place)

 Give you some milk and locked you here so that you can drink properly

 Hay storage

An elegant goat i never meet =='

 Took photo when you busy for breakfast.ahah

 Stop ignoring me pls~

 Finished feeding time, now we visited the milking place. 
This is a small scale farm, so only hace ONE milking machine.

 By the way, Patricia (owner) said, goat farm is her hobby ONLY.
Ya, this is an awesome hobby! Because this hobby get a lot of awards~

 Wth, i also want this kind of HOBBY.
(*he previous picture and this are different room, now can know why i said i also want this kind of 'hobby'?)

 Found few tanning of goat here.

this is the main purpose today! DIY goat milk soap*_*
Pure Goats Milk
Oils: Olive,Castor,Palm,Coconut,Almond,
Grapeseed and Rice Bran.
Sodium Hydroxide.
Botanicals and Clays used for colouring and 
Essential Oils if fragranced.

Main character: frozen PURE goat milk

Break it down and mix with caustic soda

 Then added those luxury oils

 Mixed it, stirred well~~~

 WEAR glove and start my jobs la~

 As the chemical reaction with air, the liquid become harder and harder, so TIME management is super important. Also, we need to presSSSS hard into the mold to avoid 'bubble' in the soap.

 Patricia purposely prepared different types and shapes molder for us =D

 This is the normal mold she uses.

 Focus focus focus~

I used "9 cows 2 tigers" energy to finish this =='''

 Heheh, then started my 'cookies' project.

 Patricia and me were very serious.

I was making cookies and thinking of someone~heheh

Ding~~~my special heart shape soap~who wants?

 Already products there.

 It's cute
 Mirror mirror on the wall?

Pls* because we need to wait for few days until the soap fully 'dry' and hard. 
must be patient~~~
will updated photos when i get my products ^.^

Kindly visit their website:

I get my soaps~~~


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