Thursday, January 12, 2012


Posted by myPuan at 8:47 PM
A liar is a bastard. How about a hypocrite?

Materialistic and realistic world leads to a fake world. No matter where you are, a person called hypocrite always by your side. This fellow likes to pretend who he is not and being good in front people. In the state of pretending virtues, moral and religion which will be adored by people. By the way, no matter how hate you are, you can do nothing. Yes! Nothing! Even sometimes you also need to be fake as well in front him. Why? You also don’t know the reason. (sigh)

Hypocrisy happens without sense. Actually they are poor person as they also don’t know what they are being. But when someone comments what they are, they will totally piss off. Right! Majority start to defense: “wth” “wtf” “who you thought you are” “I am not, but you are” bla bla bla… They can’t accept what people comment to them. In fact, they are in a situation called unconscious self-contradiction.  

Then why we also want together with them? And why we need to accept what they are? Oh no!  It is because everybody loves a hypocrite. Unwittingly we "have to" be. Instead of forgot what have been taught by Moral teacher, ignore to listen the heart just want to become a better men as well. How stupid!

Someone tole me, sincerity person is worthless. Wth. If everyone thinks like that how the world could be?
Full of lie, fake, and everybody become hater?

Hypocrite, are you really lack of love or never have someone being sincerely to you?

Please stop your complicated personality now if not one day you would make a dupe of yourself.


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