Saturday, January 14, 2012

A game

Posted by myPuan at 1:32 AM
Love is a game,
you can be a player,
but you will never win.
Because when you join the game,
you already lost your heart.

Honestly, my first love is a very good memory.
Even the ending is damn sad because he dumped me (actually is he dumped me or I dumped him???)
Whatever, we still are very good friend now. 
That's enough and I barely appreciate it.

No matter how the ending is,
the most important thing is enjoy the process?!Lol

I really look down for those stupid person which wanna suicide after break up with relationship.
Why you can't accept the truth and just be a better person, or start a new life?
Moreover, your life not only have love relationship, you still have family, friends, colleagues and etc.

Once you decided join the game,
have the courage to take the results, no matter bad or good.

Be brave! Love player.


myPuan on January 14, 2012 at 5:18 PM said...

This player is different with those player indeed.

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