Monday, January 16, 2012

I like exercise

Posted by myPuan at 6:00 PM

Once upon a time, I had a city cycle experience in Brisbane......

Cycling is a good exercise. One of the best thing I need to learn from Aussies is "love sports love exercises". (I know not 100% of them la ) But so far everyone I met are  'active' persons.

Instead of having a healthy life style, cycling is a good idea for tourism too. Honestly, before this I definitely won't promote cycling in Malaysia unless you are living in kampung(village). Unless you hope a rob happen to you. (So sorry to my country, but it's true). By the way, I really hope M can set up the facilities like this for more convenience and reduce the pollution (sound, air and etc) in our country.

Oh, stop pop out nonsense and continue 'city cycle' topic.

Well, because of too exhausted I already forgot how many stations we stopped and changed the bikes. Approximately we were cycled and walked around south bank started from 3pm. And in the end of story, we took city ferry (shamed@.@) back to the cycle station which is nearest to the carpark. One of the reason is because it's getting dark and we felt unsafe ==''' ?

First of all, if you want to have city cycle in Brisbane as well, you need a account to hire a bike. A 'SUBSCRIPTION' is necessary before that. Check out the website CityCycle. After that you can ride all day for free AS LONG AS YOU RETURNED THE BIKE WITHIN  HALF AN HOUR INTERVALS. Yes, this is a best way to save money to be a thrifty girl. Lol. Remember, 30 minutes only for you to reach next station. Once the half-hour of free use expires, a service charge will be applies.

So, below is the basic thing you need to prepare:
1. Water (Confirm you will thirsty when you spend a lot of energy)
2. Watch (I know you have phone clock, but what if your phone can't function?)
3. Mobile phone (wth)
4. Money (the most important thing in the world)
5. Helmet (REMEMBER that: By law, you must wear a helmet when using City Cycle. You will get the free helmet with bike if you are in luck)
6. Yourself hehehhehe....
7. Depends on what is your personal

City Cycle station
What are you laughing?
Remember ride on the green way. 
We just moved the bike for photo session.
The city view when you cycling.
Took opportunity to sit =)
Had a break and took photo.
Photo again when waiting for ferry. 
Thank you for the freeze~
Story bridge behind me, I will go to find you next time.
Took a new bike and cycled again.
Tired again, get some snack in QUT
Must prove I had been here.
Ermmm, moved again.

Oh, pretty Uni.
May I come in?
Taking photo when cycling is not a good idea.
Nah, I didn't lie. It's getting dark when we cycled back to get car.

City cycle- the way to get fun and healthier body. LMAO


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